[ 私の友人 ]

[ Hey! Say!JUMP ]

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Senin, 26 September 2011

Which Hey! Say!JUMP guy will fit I? (--___------") Takaki Yuya m(_ _)m

Hahh (--___----") what the? ~ why should Takaki Yuya m(_ _)m
Why not Yamada Ryosuke (---___---)' huaaaaaaaaaaaa~ I'm out of luck......

Ok~ just follow my game screencap ^^

 First, I opened the link and this question comes? "what type of guys to like?" I'm answer this "Cool guys"

 Second, questions about how old I am or who appear :) I choose this "19" (~ ^_^ )~ ~(^_^ ~) ahahahaha

Third, I think this is a question that tempt me to craze~ wkwkwkwkwk *strange* lol~ xD I choose this "LIPS" .. Because, their lips are sexy~ slurrrrppppp !!~ ckckckckckckck

Fourth, personal questions for me about my favorite color^^ "I love blue colour"

Fifth,  question that made me imagine a high level~ xD wkwkwkwkwkwkwk......
I'm answer "Somewhere, where it is just thw two of us ^^
jieeeee~ jieeeeee~ I'm shy ...... xP

Sixth, last question apparently, they asked who I liked from the members of Hey! Say! JUMP^^ !!~ I replied with enthusiasm "Ryosuke" and hope this question makes me happy......
But~ final answer turned out to make me upset T___T

The final results the answer is "Takaki Yuya" huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why not "Yamada Ryosuke" 
 I want to answer it the name "Yamada Ryosuke" .... T________T" ~ hiksuuuuuuuuuuuuu

that's the beginning of the game is fun but end up with upset

Thank You All :D

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